Why You’ll Want to Trust Superior Energies with Your Industrial Equipment’s Fire Protection Needs

August 29, 2012

When most people see reports of building fires on the news, they don’t imagine it ever happening to their own property. However, fires can happen virtually anywhere and at any time—the best people can do is to be adequately prepared. Here are a few reasons why you should trust Superior Energies’ fire coverswith the task of protecting your industrial equipment from fire:

  • FireTemp Pipe FireproofingUnique Fire-Temp Cover: Thanks to the unique Fire-Temp cover, more and more companies are doing business with Superior Energies. The Fire-Temp cover is comprised of a series of fire-retardant layers that work together to protect equipment from high temperatures. This unique system is extremely effective for many kinds of industrial equipment in many industrial environments.
  • Custom System Design: Unlike other insulation and fire protection companies, Superior Energies designs each fire protection device according to the client’s needs. It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking to protect an actuator or a junction box; our engineers will gladly design a Fire-Temp cover to provide your equipment with maximum fire protection.
  • Included Installation: Superior Energies’ services don’t just end with the design and manufacture of the Fire-Temp cover—our team can install it for you, too. If you prefer, we’ll gladly send a representative to supervise your employees while they install the cover. Fire-Temp covers can be designed to fit any new piece of equipment or accommodate a retrofit situation.
  • User-Friendly: Perhaps the greatest part of the Fire-Temp cover is how easy it is to use. After a full workday, any of your employees can place the Fire-Temp on your equipment in order to keep it safe during operation. That same employee can then easily remove the cover again in the event maintenance or calibration is required before commencing production.

If you’d like to better protect your industrial equipment from fire, contact Superior Energies, Inc. We also design, manufacture, and install a wide range of insulation products that can help you reduce your energy bills and sound levels. Call us today at (877) 671-8837 for more information.
